In this exercise, you will learn how to create a GPO and how to configure a GPO to prevent Active Directory objects from accessing the resources on a Windows-based domain network.
Start the DC1 and CLIENT1 virtual machines to perform this exercise.
Task 1: Creating a New GPO
Sign in to DC1 with the MCSALAB\Administrator.
Open the Server Manager console, if required.
On the Server Manager console, click Tools, and then click Group Policy Management.
On the Group Policy Management console, expand Forest: mcsalab.local, and then click Domains.
Select and right-click mcsalab.local, and then select Create a GPO in this domain, as shown in the following figure.
On the New GPO dialog box, in the Name text box, type Internet Explorer GPO, and then click OK.
Task 2: Configuring the Internet Explorer GPO
On DC1, on the Group Policy Management console, select and right-click Internet Explorer GPO, and then click Edit.
On the Group Policy Management Editor console, navigate to User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates.
Select and right-click All Settings, and then select Filter Options, as shown in the following figure.
On the Filter Options dialog box, select the Enable Keyword Filters check box.
In the Filter for word(s): text box, type General, as shown in the following figure, and then click OK.